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How to choose images for your content that wow your audience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

No matter what they say, people are visual creatures and including images in your content is a vital element of the online success equation. It is no secret that posts and pages that feature images encourage a higher engagement percentage than text-only pages and posts. That said, you can’t just write a piece of text and add just any image that comes your way. If you want to maximize your impact, you need to choose your images carefully. Here are some tips on how to do that.


The 5 Local Seo Myths & Misconceptions That Will Never Die

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Much like a bad penny that keeps turning up, there are some widespread myths and misconceptions about local SEO, its DOs and DON’Ts, that keep popping up and circle around the SEO community. Before we move forward, however, please note that all of these are simply not right.


4 Marketing and Local Search Tips You Must Read Before Rebranding Your Small Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here, at 411 Locals, we often have clients who come to us after deciding to undertake the challenge of rebranding their business. Those are often clients who have overlooked the importance of SEO and investing in a strong online marketing presence in the past. That said, we have vast experience in assisting with successful rebranding endeavors. With today’s article, we are targeting small business proprietors standing on the threshold of rebranding and re-envisioning their business. Our goal is to make things easier for you. Our goal is to help you make the most of this opportunity.


The Common SEO Challenges E-commerce Businesses Face Nowadays

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SEO can be your best friend but, as it is with most friendships, it takes time to smooth out the differences and overcome challenges together. It is the same with managing the SEO strategy of your website. Of course, it all depends on the kind of site you are running, but today we are focusing on e-commerce websites that are struggling with SEO. Below, we will discuss the main problems and some solutions you might find suitable for your situation.


Let’s talk about… meta descriptions & how they are changing in 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With an ever-changing SERP landscape made of multiple screens and evolving user needs, SEO marketers and copywriters need to stay abreast of any and all changes. Taking into consideration and adapting to Google’s tweaked algorithm is a huge part of that. Speaking of changes, today we decided to take a closer look at Google’s increasingly unpredictable display of meta descriptions in 2018.
