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Increasing Growth with Conversion Optimization

Reading Time: 3 minutes

CRO, or conversion rate optimization is one of the only possible ways to really drive your business forward and increase your website’s efficiency. It takes advantage of the effort you have invested so far into traffic generation and rankings and transforms all of those leads and visitors into paying customers.

However, not all types of CRO actually lead to growth.

It is really important for you to combine your general initiative and strategy with your CRO strategy in order to utilize its full potential.

First, growth is changing everywhere. Online advertising is leading all types of businesses across all industries to go forward and become noticed by a broader audience, but this means that it’s getting substantially competitive to win a part of that audience.

This requires from us to take a different look at growth and how to generate revenue. Not only has marketing changed, if not completely transformed in the last 10 years, but we also see how things that worked last year have simply lost their buzz today! Google’s algorithms are running out quicker than SEOs can keep up with them and adapt their work accordingly.

How the big guys do it

On the other hand, we see companies like Facebook and Dropbox literally explode with growth in the past 10 years, and we see no trace of the traditional advertising methods in their strategies. (more…)

Do you think that you are responsible with your content marketing? Think again!

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Time for Content

5 Examples of mistakes in the logic of content marketers

The demand for content in all of its variations is constantly increasing, and it has never been as high as it currently is. For that reason, content creators are sometimes forced by circumstances to fill that demand with not-so-awesome results because of the heavy publishing schedules and the decreasing variety of different topics.

This often leads to falling into deception and delusion about what is reasonable and what isn’t. Dilemmas like that can be quite frustrating, and when combined with the nagging schedule, the resulting produce is not so promising. The outcome is that content creators start looking dull and sometimes even inexperienced in what they do, which in turn leads to mistrust with the audiences.

There is no argument that producing logical content with no compromise and inconsistencies will always define the writer as a real professional, ultimately setting him or her apart from the spammy and thoughtless content marketers.

Let’s check out some of the mistakes often seen in such cases:

  1. Making hasty assumptions

This is an often occurrence, and it’s there for a reason. However, when we add the speed of which we are forced to write into the equation, content creators are usually guilty of that because of the whole impatience surrounding the writing process.

The results we use to create our arguments and publish the final content are often based on limited research, using small samples of the issue being discussed and inconclusive articles that always leave more to be answered. This is quite limiting and preventing from reaching a meaningful end to the subject. (more…)

SEO Is Changing for the Better!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SEO Concept

People working in the SEO field will totally get this.

In the beginning, there was Search Engine Optimization, and it seemed like it was impossible. Or extraordinarily spammy and simply ugly. For many people, it was both!

But let’s elaborate what exactly do we have in mind with that.

Years back, SEO was essentially stuffing all kinds of weirdly sounding keywords into the written content of your website without caring a lot about how it looks or how it reads. Other known methods were playing tricks on search engines such as jamming keywords in hidden tags or putting them in the text where its color matches the background.

The good news is that this kind of Search Engine Optimization just doesn’t get past Google so innocently and unpunished. Most of the pages using those tactics and schemes simply got caught and downgraded significantly. That is why you should never choose the easy way out when it comes to beginning a new online marketing campaign. It just doesn’t pass anymore! (more…)

The Art of Landing Pages

Reading Time: 3 minutes

landing page convertsTransform Visitors into Customers!

Like with all our articles, we will start by explaining the fundamentals of the main subject and break them down afterward so that everything becomes clear. Today’s topic will be the Landing Page and the secrets it holds to unveiling the full potential of your online marketing campaign.

Let’s go through the theory quickly and get it out of the way so that we can get to the meat and potatoes of traffic conversion and the better understanding the value of having a well crafted Landing Page on your business website. (more…)

What Stands in the Way of Optimizing Multiple-Location Businesses?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

multiple-locations-local-seoAfter some of the recent changes in Google’s policy and algorithms, it became even more difficult to promote the same business on different locations around a certain area. Companies with more than one office, store or facility find it hard to appear on good positions when it comes to local SEO. While this may be a more generalized assumption, there are of course certain cases where bigger companies with good reputation both on a public and online level enjoy good rankings.

Your business is relatively small?
However, if you are just starting out or your company is not that reputable and recognized yet, you are likely to be facing difficulties with the optimization of your various locations.

We will fix that!
We are here to change that for you and let you know which the key factors in improving your chances for a better position and more visibility in Google’s results are! (more…)

The Unimaginable Benefits of Mixing SEO with UX

Reading Time: 3 minutes

user experience based design with SEO

Tough, but Worth It!

We are already familiar with the term UX (user experience) and its place in the world of web design and online advertising. This time around, we are bringing a new element into the mix, and it is called CX (customer experience). While UX is focused on users in general, Customer Experience is a relatively new discipline that is focused more strictly on actual clients, whether they are current or potential ones.

You may think that the difference between CX and UX is almost non-existent, but this would be a really wrong assumption. They are defined in two very different ways, and you can learn about what separates them right here.

Going back to Search Engine Optimization, we shouldn’t neglect that it is also focused on both users and potential clients, but its effects are felt mostly in the time lapse before and after you actually arrive to a particular website or another kind of digital experience. (more…)