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What Is an SEO Checkup and Why Is It Important?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SEO remains a core facet of any successful digital marketing campaign in 2018, and today, we at 411 Locals, will talk about SEO checkup. We recommend to do that at least once per year, and we’ll give you more details about the term and what the process includes, below on this page.


3 Common Web Content Mistakes in SEO

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today’s blog article of 411Locals is again dedicated to content. Whether you are a content writer enthusiast, professional, or you regularly order content from a third party and want to see if your money is well spent, we will introduce to you the most common mistakes we see on the World Wide Web (when it comes to content).


Everything You Need to Know as a PPC Expert

Reading Time: 2 minutes

PPC, also known as Paid Search Advertising (PSA), is important for online business success, and we, at 411Locals, believe that it is a necessary component of the complete and successful marketing campaign. Whether you have some previous knowledge about it or not, this article will tell you what you need to know to successfully target people using search engines (Google in this particular case). Stay with us and become the PPC expert your business needs.


It’s All About Content

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is another content-related article from the 411 Locals team. Improving or adding new quality content is not easy but sometimes the only option for better optimization. Yes, you can always find a way to get more links, you can always boost your social media presence, but let’s be honest here, the content is our doorway to entering countless SEO benefits.


Proper Image Link Building Tricks

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you remember the times when adding an image containing a keyword in the title and a few backlinks was more than enough for a better ranking? Well, the industry is growing and the 411 Locals team is now introducing the art of image link building. You will notice a lot of similarities with the traditional link building, but there is more to that. Keep reading to see what we mean.


Should We Optimize For Voice Search?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We know that the SEO in 2018 will drastically change the  way we optimize for mobile searches for sure. We are positive about this, and we are looking forward to trying out new strategies. Will it be worth it though? This is the second article of 411 Locals about voice searching and we have never been more certain that it is much important for all those who want to stay in the SEO game in 2018.
