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Today’s blog article of 411Locals is again dedicated to content. Whether you are a content writer enthusiast, professional, or you regularly order content from a third party and want to see if your money is well spent, we will introduce to you the most common mistakes we see on the World Wide Web (when it comes to content).

Not enough content

No, we don’t suggest to just increase the word count on every single page. What’s more important is to have an equal amount of written content for all the stages of the customer’s journey. This means that you should have equal amounts of:

  • Promotion & purchase information – this is basically the aggressive promotion stating why your product is the best out there and why you are the right option people can make.
  • Service/product descriptions –  Your clients will want to know why your service/product is the best, and a detailed description will do a much better job than if you just state it.
  • Service/product comprations – Nothing can help your clients make an informed choice better than an honest comparison between a few products. At least make sure the client thinks they’re making the better choice.
  • Blog posts, success stories, newsletters, etc.These are different types of articles under the same umbrella, but they all matter and can contribute to the success of your written content strategy.



Using simple language without too much terminology

It is really common for great companies to get lost in jargon. Yes, we understand that you are the king of the industry, but think about it that many of your clients might not have the knowledge or are just not used to reading articles full of specific terminology, jargons, etc. Juggling keeping it simple with using the right amount of terminology might be a challenge, but really, read your content and think as somebody that has no idea about your business.


Unclear call to actions

The goal of your website or just a single page should be obvious instantly. The second your content loads and your visitor sees what’s on the page, they should know how to contact you and what they will get from that. Don’t believe us? Ask yourself: “What is it that your potential client wants to do on your page next?” Don’t be modest, you want them to buy like it’s the end of the world. Get creative, and make sure you have a call to action on every single page.

The team of 411 Locals hopes you will have a better content strategy after reading this. If you are not satisfied with your current content, you can always try out our services and order content from us! See you next time!