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As a reputable SEO company, it makes perfect sense why we focus on developing, building, and maintaining a strategy that boosts your rankings and keeps them in top placements. Our goal is to “cook” search engines’ favorite food, so they’d prefer it over the meals of your competitors. In today’s blog, however, we are forgetting all about machines and focusing entirely on people. Here are some of our top user experience (UX) tips for SEO results.

1. It all starts with content

While webmasters primarily focus on the technical aspect of UX, it is important to remember that unique, to the point content is the backbone of proper SEO. Having said that, you need to make sure your content is readable, and there is just enough visuals and multimedia to back things up.

Make sure you have:

  • A lot of subheadings, numbers and/or bullets, and other scalable format options.
  • Flawless content grammar, spelling, and overall structure.
  • Short paragraphs and no large chunks of text that would put off the reader.

2. Revise your site structure

A good site structure is the difference between a conversion and negative user experience. You need to have clear and descriptive navigation links, so people know how to find what they are looking for. Enabling your readers to find what they need in just a few clicks should be your goal. How do you achieve that? Internal linking is the answer. Take your key pages, build links to specific pages your users might be searching for, and you are good to go. Choose a site structure that fits your business like a glove. Do not stuff all your content on your home page, keep it clean and to the point.

3. Speed Speed Speed

Let’s face it, we live in a reality of short attention spans where a second later is usually a missed client. Here is what you can do to keep your site speed optimized:

  • Use a CDN
  • Remove unnecessary plugins and scripts
  • Compress your images
  • Enable caching

4. Make it compatible with mobile devices

It is no secret Google loves mobile screens, ergo its mobile-first index and all that. If you fail to optimize the mobile version of your website or if you don’t have one at all yet, you can be losing a huge amount of traffic.

  • Use a responsive site design that adapts to mobile screens or build a mobile version of your site.
  • Make sure the content on your desktop version corresponds to the one mobile users have access to.
  • Do not forget to check your sitemap is accessible on your mobile version.
  • Ensure that content format on your mobile version can be indexed and crawled.

Well, those are our 411 Locals’ top tips. Do you have more to add? Let’s hear from you!

Stay tuned for our next topic!