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Whether you are a marketer or a business owner running your own website, you have already heard the phrase “content is king.” In the world of SEO and digital marketing, that is true. Content is not just text, however. It is video, images, audio, and all other formats that can be added to a web page. Understanding what formats convert better is key to boosting your own conversions. Today, we will be focusing on the crucial content marketing trends you need to consider this year.

Target Niche, Long-Tail Keywords

When you are first starting out in SEO, it can be easy to want to focus on keywords that have the greatest number of monthly searches. Unless you are the most authoritative website in your niche/industry, that might not yield the results you want. Instead, you have better chances at ranking and boosting your traffic by targeting niche-specific, long-tail keywords.

Repurpose Content

This doesn’t mean copying an article you published on your blog and pasting it into a directory or your social media. What you can do is repurpose that blog and turn it into a visual minigraphic, summarize it into a tweet, or even a short video for your Instagram account. You have many options! Keep in mind, however, that different platforms call for a different engagement approach.

Understand Consumer Intent

Before you create any type of content, always ask yourself, “what does my prospect want when they type [keyword] into Google?” If Google has made one thing obvious, it is this — the top-performing pages are those that understand consumer intent and have content that is useful, relative, and tailored to meet that particular need.

To get an in-depth understanding of all trends this year, check out our 2022 Content Marketing Guide.