Published on: March 24th, 2016 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: 411 Locals
Reading Time: 1 minute
Things are moving fast in the world of SEO, and we are honored to see that other experts in the field recognize our efforts to keeping up with the latest trends and practices in the business. Recently, 411Locals was named among the 10 best local SEO companies – a great affirmation to the fact that our work is appreciated by both our clients and colleagues.
More than 100 companies around the world have been appointed to the monthly FindBestSEO Top 10 Lists. The criterias each company is evaluated upon include effective use of various market channels, client experiences, overall business practices, as well as previous campaign success stories. We are pleased to see that 411Locals scored impressive results on each of these categories.
Published on: March 24th, 2016 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: 411 Locals
Reading Time: 1 minute
It is our great pleasure to announce that 411 Locals won the Best SEO Software award at the second annual US Search Awards held in association with Pubcon. The award was granted due to innovation in the SEO software development, and precisely for the program called Checker*. We are honored and grateful for this award. It adds to the fact that 411Locals is constantly pushing the envelope of innovation by creating software and providing services that not only simplify the already complicated SEO world, but also ensure complete customer satisfaction.
*Checker is a software that crawls the web and analyses data related to search results.
Published on: January 28th, 2016 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: 411 Locals, Marketing
Reading Time: 3 minutes
A company can have the best business model in the world, but it won’t matter if it doesn’t get discovered. To that end Konstantin Stoyanov launched 411Locals, an Internet marketing company that helps small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) get discovered online.
Entrepreneurs who are launching startups know that a solid web presence isn’t an option. Many brick-and-mortar business owners who once relied on newspaper advertising and direct mail promotions are awakening to the same realization. If a business can’t be discovered on the web, via multiple channels, then it’s losing its competitive advantage.
By now, almost all entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of search engine optimization (SEO). It’s a means of optimizing a website so that it ranks highly in the SERPs.
However, one often overlooked flavor of SEO is Local SEO, or SEO that’s intended to reach an audience within a relatively small geographical area. It’s especially important for small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) that don’t cater to a worldwide audience.
I sat down with Stoyanov to discuss with him the challenges that face businesses today and how his company offers solutions. (more…)
Published on: September 29th, 2015 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: 411 Locals, How To's and Guides, Marketing
Reading Time: 4 minutesWhen different social media platforms were being born and started rising, we saw that groundbreaking changes and even more hype was surrounding each of the newest big names on the web.
These are the tools that determined the next phase of our evolution as web users, and the reason behind that is the lightning speed at which they allow us to expand our audience. However, this creates another type of competition, a battleground where you have to adapt instantly if you want to compete with thousands of competing messages flying from side to side at any given moment.
Today’s article is another one about copywriting, and more about smart content that experienced marketers use for advertising throughout social media. We will also cover the necessary limits we have to establish in order to save the time that is so easily wasted once we get immersed in online social networks.
To emphasize on the actual impact that social media has made on businesses lately, check out the numbers conducted from a research made by MarketingTechBlog:

Published on: August 24th, 2015 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: 411 Locals, Marketing, SEO
Reading Time: 4 minutes
5 Examples of mistakes in the logic of content marketers
The demand for content in all of its variations is constantly increasing, and it has never been as high as it currently is. For that reason, content creators are sometimes forced by circumstances to fill that demand with not-so-awesome results because of the heavy publishing schedules and the decreasing variety of different topics.
This often leads to falling into deception and delusion about what is reasonable and what isn’t. Dilemmas like that can be quite frustrating, and when combined with the nagging schedule, the resulting produce is not so promising. The outcome is that content creators start looking dull and sometimes even inexperienced in what they do, which in turn leads to mistrust with the audiences.
There is no argument that producing logical content with no compromise and inconsistencies will always define the writer as a real professional, ultimately setting him or her apart from the spammy and thoughtless content marketers.
Let’s check out some of the mistakes often seen in such cases:
- Making hasty assumptions
This is an often occurrence, and it’s there for a reason. However, when we add the speed of which we are forced to write into the equation, content creators are usually guilty of that because of the whole impatience surrounding the writing process.
The results we use to create our arguments and publish the final content are often based on limited research, using small samples of the issue being discussed and inconclusive articles that always leave more to be answered. This is quite limiting and preventing from reaching a meaningful end to the subject. (more…)
Published on: July 21st, 2015 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: 411 Locals, How To's and Guides, Web Design
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Give Your Visitors Something to be Amazed About!
Pay a visit to your website now and take a look at it from a different perspective, ignoring any of the written or visual content that might exist there.
Now, can you make sense of what your website is communicating to the audience in a non-verbal way?
Answer these questions for yourself:
- Does the design look like it was created by a knowledgeable and skilled pro, or an overenthusiastic person who has just started out in this area?
- Can you instantly determine where the reader’s eye should be directed to at first?
- Does the initial impression of the site give the confidence that you can solve the user’s problem?
- Imagine that you are a stranger there, would you classify this business as competent, trustworthy and capable enough to offer exactly what you need?