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What Do We Do When Copy Isn’t Selling?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Copywriting and content marketing is going to be the topic again. Since everything else is changing rapidly, we have to keep up with the content as well because its evolution is never far behind.

The biggest challenge for creative writers is being able to attract an audience and convert it into buyers. It’s not enough to become visible and make your products, services, and brand known to the rest of the world – it’s conversion that hurdles every novice copywriter, and it’s conversion that is the hardest part for every marketer.

Trading goods and services online is a major part of the worldwide economy right now, and online marketing directs the flow of sales. Practice makes it clear that marketers don’t need to be ‘natural salesmen’ to be successful in converting readers into clients.
Let’s see what the reasons may be for the lack of sales and low conversion rates.

Customers simply don’t like what you sell

It’s tough to hear, but you have to face the truth at some point and start making changes before it’s too late. If the product or service you offer is not attracting customers, there is no mysterious way to market it successfully.

It’s understandable to be passionate about something you like and find useful, but if your audience doesn’t share your passion, it’s hard to find a common ground upon which to build consumer trust. Especially if you have already invested a lot of time and resources into it, it will be even harder to embrace change. (more…)