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PPC, also known as Paid Search Advertising (PSA), is important for online business success, and we, at 411Locals, believe that it is a necessary component of the complete and successful marketing campaign. Whether you have some previous knowledge about it or not, this article will tell you what you need to know to successfully target people using search engines (Google in this particular case). Stay with us and become the PPC expert your business needs.

Managing the Google Quality Score

Google’s Quality Score is based on the following three things:

  1. Keywords
  2. Ad Text
  3. Landing Page Relevance

Instead of stuffing keywords, using just a few that target a specific ad groups of people is recommended. This why we can write a better-targeted copy that finds its niche.


Understanding how the Google auction works

This is a three-step process that goes like this:

  1. When users enters a search, AdWords pulls the ads with a keyword match
  2. All ads that are not approved or target a different location/country will be ignored.
  3. From the remaining ads, only those with an Ad Rank that is high enough will show results


How CTR is calculated

Basically, CTR = clicks/impressions.

Before you get into more detail about CTR you should know what it stands for. CTR, or Click-Through Rate, is a ratio that shows the number of people clicking your ad. It’s calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.


Understanding the Display Network campaigns

It’s recommended to separate the Display Network campaigns from the Search Network campaigns. It usually takes two to three weeks before you can analyze the campaign’s performance. The managed placements allow advertisers to bid differently for specific placements on the Google Display Network.


The benefits of remarketing and the most important KPIs

While there are many advantages, we find that it’s most useful for targeting users when they are most likely to buy, creating lists for specific purposes, and having a larger-scale reach.

Just like any other campaign, remarketing comes with a set of metrics for easily keeping track of it. We use the cost-per-clicks (CPR), CTR, effective cost per acquisition (eCPM), and return of investment (ROI) as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

The most important types of remarketing are:

  • Site remarketing
  • Email remarketing
  • Search remarketing
  • Social media remarketing


Copywriting skills are also important

For a successful campaign, you need call to actions, visuals, attention-grabbing headlines, pop-ups (not too annoying), and even more. After your campaign starts to achieve a finalized look, you should revise and test it. Look mostly for pricing, punctuation, grammar, emotional appeal and CTAs, but full revisions are a must too!

Truth is that PPC campaigns are complex and even we, at 411 Locals, have difficulties running such campaigns from time to time. We hope that we’ve managed to help those of you who are interested in this topic. See you next time!