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With Halloween officially behind us, we are looking ahead to the next batch of holidays. You guessed right, I am talking about Christmas trees, eggnog, mulled wine, and well… Christmas. No matter if you have just realized your SEO strategy could use a little boost over the holidays or you have just procrastinated, 411 Locals’ holiday tips can help you generate the short-term wins you business needs. Keep reading!

Tip 1: Titles and Descriptions in The SERPs

Tweaking titles and descriptions is easily the most straightforward thing you can do and get tremendous impact in return. If you are looking for designer bags for your mother/sister and you encounter two titles and descriptions in the SERPs that look like this:

  1. Title: The 10 Top-Rated Designer Bags for Christmas 2018
    Description: Visit the list of the top-rated designer bags from this year’s runway to make your Christmas buying much easier.
  2. Title: Best Designer Bags|Louis Vuitton|Chanel|Gucci
    Description: Best designer bags this Christmas including Louis Vuitton|Chanel|Gucci|Christian Dior|Marc Jacobs

Which one are you likely to click? The first one shows me I am going to find what I most probably queried, and the second one is just displaying a list of things I may or may not recognize. Do you see the benefit of Tip 1 now?

Tip 2: Update Evergreen URL with New Content

Using ones, such as top lists of popular designer bags/winter shoes/hats/etc., are always a winner.

The trick here is not to think about the person who will be using your product but about the person who will be buying it. Those are often people of different demographic, .a.k.a. Parents, older/younger siblings, and so on.

You can do it annually and create a URL that goes something like this:


Next year when you update the list, you can take the content from that location if you wish to archive it and then move it to:


Tip 3: Rank Elsewhere — Make Guest Posting Your Friend

If your rank target are terms that are too competitive for your current website strength, you can find strong resources that accept guest articles. In other words, look for good guest posting opportunities but only with credible sites and ones that rank well within your niche. Your articles will be accepted only if they are well-crafted, unique in content, present useful information in an innovative way, and are, of course, SEO-friendly.

It might all seem like a lot of work, but for an experienced SEO company like ours, it is a piece of (holiday) cake!

Stay tuned for our next topic!