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There are many opinions on what the most important part of the SEO process is, but there is no doubt that backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors. The 411Locals team assures you that this argument is still valid in 2018.  Yes, Google’s algorithms keep evolving, but so far, there is no better way to measure a site’s authority than evaluating the quality links that lead to it. In this article, we’ll break down the most efficient link building tactics that might not be new to you but are still as relevant in 2018.

Original data & research

Let’s not forget we’re in the industry where “content is king.” Investing in original content data and researching relevant and trending topics is probably the most efficient link building technique that we can think of.

Engaging content on a trending topic means earning backlinks. When creating content, do your best to make people share your content and mention it in their media posts or blog articles.

Now, let’s talk about the research. Make sure to create a series of blog posts, shareable social media statuses, podcasts, etc. Don’t waste that precious time invested in thoroughly researching a topic only to publish a single article. Create a sequence, let people expect the next post.


Finding relevant niche directories

Use Google’s advanced search to find directories relevant to a specific niche. Do the research, make a list, and submit your link where possible. Local directories can also be helpful.

You can search for directories that are willing to submit your link and are specifically relevant to a certain industry type, location, and other criteria.


Investing in legitimate links

Buying links is a black hat SEO practice and your site may get a penalty for it. However, there is a legitimate way to do that in exchange for a small investment. Official sponsorship, paid product reviews, guest content publications are an easy way to earn links and have your blog post credited with a link.


Social media

Sharing content and including links in social media profiles is something every SEO expert should do. All social media platforms offer listening tools that help you find an audience. Look for patterns, see which platforms earn you more brand mentions, and focus on them.


Images & Videos Link Building

Self-host videos to share and promote them like you would do with any other piece of content. You can use YouTube analytics to see which sites have embedded your video. Reach out to these sites and request to include a link to your website.

Also, make sure you have original and up-to-date images, with titles, uploaded on your website. Make sure you upload an original image and not link to it.


Like we said earlier, link building will always remain one of the surest ways to earn traffic and better ranking, but we shouldn’t forget that there are many other ranking methods that must not be ignored. The 411Locals team hopes this article was helpful, and we wish you luck!