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The Social Media Gurus are Coming for Your Babies!

Reading Time: 7 minutes

social-media-gurusWhere “your babies” = your website and “coming for” = they want to assimilate all of the web into their web of… Ah let’s just get to it.

We recently happened along a very well-meaning article by who seems to be a talented social media/marketing person from what we can see, here:

On the surface everything looks roses pollinated by cheerily singing bumble bees on a warm spring day and the bumble bees don’t sting and you can pet them, but here’s the thing, you pet a bumble bee and you do get stung and they are not nearly as soft and fluffy as they look, and what we mean by that is, unfortunately this article may be leading most businesses of any size down a path that is going to sting.

Last bug analogy we promise, let’s dissect this bumbling bee.

For those unfamiliar with this type of online sparring, quotes in bold and snarky replies to quotes in normal type face. All quotes come from the above linked article by the talented and well-meaning Francesca Heath:

The future of your brand identity is your website, not your Facebook Page
