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How to Optimize a YouTube Video

Reading Time: 6 minutes

YouTube Videos for Businesses

YouTube Videos for Businesses 411localsThis is part tips and part—hopefully—inspirational, because while there is incredible potential on YouTube, only a very select few businesses have ever figured out how to take advantage of it.

Want to hear something scary?

Over 100 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded every 1 minute.

That means that every day 144,000 hours of videos are uploaded, which means every week 1,008,000 hours of videos are uploaded, which means that every year 52,560,000 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded. The average human lives for 681,528 hours.

If you are an average person who just happens to never eat or sleep and does nothing but watch YouTube videos your entire life, you would have time in your entire life from birth to death to watch about 4.7 days’ worth of uploaded YouTube videos.
