Published on: December 14th, 2015 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: SEO
Reading Time: 5 minutesFollowing all the updates and constant changes that Google is making to the principles on which the search engine works, it is very difficult to be 100 percent sure about what works and how. We already know that a lot of the old spammy techniques have no place in modern SEO, because they simply get what’s coming to them.
So, it’s time to look at the factors that are still working and will continue to work in the future, as well as which of the factors work better than others. This will help you focus on what is actually important and will let you know what the factors of lesser importance are (which should not be ignored if you are going in-depth with your SEO).
For now, it’s safe to say that the main factors that are simply essential and act as building blocks upon which to start enhancing your rankings are:
- Responsive websites optimized for mobile use
- Improve how the value of your work is perceived by customers
- Easily readable content, concise, and free of fluff
Published on: November 25th, 2015 | Author: 411 Locals | Category: Google, Marketing, SEO
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Maybe, at one point, something will happen and render keywords irrelevant. Until then, they will determine the rankings and SEO strategy of every business that tries to establish a successful online presence.
The misleading obsession with keywords and high rankings has become very unhealthy, especially in the recent years when it is common knowledge that the term “Search Engine Optimization” is currently the exact opposite of what it was in the beginning.
Keywords certainly give a relatively accurate measure of progress when it comes to how our website is doing in terms of SEO. However, the real problem is that apart from localized rankings for business listings, keyword ranking is practically useless.
Let’s explain why.
Are you stuck with your keyword strategy from 2005? Wake up because it’s 2015.
SEO was a very straightforward process back when search engines were mostly one dimensional because you would get basically the same results for a given search, wherever you were in the world. Under these conditions, rankings for keywords were quite simple as a metric, even transparent. (more…)