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Mobile continues to grow with each year, and Google’s recent rollout of its mobile-first index only serves to prove things are going strong in that direction. As a marketer, SEO professional, and business owner, you need to understand the differences between having your users landing on a desktop and a mobile landing page. Users behave differently across various devices and screens, and that is a crucial factor to consider in your optimization strategy.

Without further ado, here are the best ways to optimize your mobile landing pages!

1. Get to the point (like we just did)

It is ridiculous how little time you have to grab a reader’s attention, but this is nonetheless true. Place your most relevant information right in front of your users, don’t make them scroll to find it because they won’t!

2. Content length and placement

Yes, no matter how much bigger mobile screens have gotten since the early days of teeny-tiny screens, your space is still significantly more limited than it is on a desktop. Place your call-to-action in a visible place, again — no scrolling should be involved in finding it. You need to have clearly organized content. That said, remove the clutter, only place to-the-point information! Large blocks of text will only discourage users. Use graphics to entice readers, but use it in moderation.

3. Make it scannable

Make your page as easy to navigate as possible. If a user can’t quickly find what they are looking for, they have a much higher chance of bouncing to someone else’s offering. All important homepage links and buttons must be viewable and accessible.

4. Make it work across multiple devices

Create a mobile landing page that can work around the various sizing constraints and specifications that every device type brings along. Having a responsive page that displays all data accurately across multiple devices is often the difference between a landing page that converts and one that doesn’t.

5. No zooming

Simply said, don’t make your users have to zoom in on their phones in order to see the content you are offering to them. It is a proven fact people are more likely to hit the close button rather than the zoom in one.

6. Page speed

Even if everything is there and you have a seemingly perfect mobile landing page, poor page speed can cost you all your efforts. Impatience is the last thing you want to spark in your users’ minds.

There are many more factors, but they are of secondary importance. If you would like to have perfectly crafted mobile landing pages, turn to a professional SEO company. Our team at 411 Locals will gladly do that for you!

Stay tuned for our next topic!