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Since we already covered the basics of preparing your website for the holidays and boosting your SEO, today we, at 411 Locals, decided to go back to the roots of the SEO pyramid, and focus on the kind of content that should always be present on your site, holidays or not. That is right, we are talking about evergreen content. Is it really that important? Let’s find out!

But First, What Is Evergreen Content Exactly?

It is safe to say we all know what evergreen karaoke songs are. It is pretty much the same with content. In SEO terms, evergreen content is search-optimized, continuously relevant, and it, therefore, stays “fresh” for a long time. Staying fresh means people continue to look for it.

Examples include the famous ”How to” articles, the “5 Essential Tips on” kind of blogs, the “Easy Guide to” articles, and so on.

What Makes It so Evergreen?

At a certain point in their lives, people will find themselves searching the Internet for “how to change a tire” or “how to best pose for headshots.” It is inevitable, and if you have the answers to these queries relevant to your industry, people will inevitably land on your site (given it is well-optimized, of course).

Do You Really Need It?

Yes, you do, and there are many reasons why.

For starters, evergreen content should ideally target your high-profile keywords for which you want to rank. If you craft your articles well, and they rank well, all you need to do is add fresh content to keep things afloat while, in time, you start ranking for other keywords as well. That means two things — a wider audience and a higher chance of conversion.

The second great benefit of evergreen content is it boosts your link building. Go for evergreen topics you can easily link with your services or products. Make such articles the backbone of your internal link building system, and watch your ranking benefit from it.

Last but not least, evergreen content is good for your image. You need to please not only search engines but people, too. And people favor sites that have all the information they need outside what is trending and hot at the moment.

Writing and optimizing your evergreen content are two equally difficult tasks. To make the most of this evergreen opportunity, it is a good idea to turn to an SEO company. Our team will be more than happy to help!

Stay tuned for our next topic!