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Properly Presented Content – The Key to Quality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the SEO game, good content is not a guarantee for a low bounce rate on your website. We, at 411 Locals, face challenges like this every day and will give you a piece of advice on how both how to turn low-quality content into neatly organized and how to proceed with good-quality content that is giving you high bounce rate.

As we have said many times before, keeping up with the latest algorithm updates is impossible. Besides, if you are happy with your current placement and you haven’t seen a huge drop in your traffic, you don’t have reasons to be worried, right? Then why do you feel your content might be treading on thin ice? Stay with us, our goal is to help you decide if your content needs merging, improving in some way, or just to be removed.


How to Compete With Large Companies as a Small Business Owner

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Online search marketing has significantly grown in the past years as the online search continues to develop from a novelty to a standard and regular feature in our everyday lives. We, at 411 Locals, help small and medium business get as much online presence as possible and can tell a word or few about the advantages and disadvantages of small and big companies. Last year, Moz’s founder Rand Fishkin published a similar article which has got our attention. On this page here, we will summarize most of it based on our experience with hundreds of clients.
