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How Has Google’s Local Search Changed Over The Years?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We all know how fast Google changes algorithms and deciphering it might feel like an exercise in futility. This is why, we at 411 Locals, keep track of the algorithm changes and try to synthesize it for every SEO enthusiast. It is a well-known fact how many changes Google has made over the years, and on this page you will show you the brief history of those changes starting with the year of 2005.


2005: Google Maps and Local Business Center Merged

We all remember when Google released the Local Business Center in March 2005. The next logical step was to merge this free tool helping business to easily add or update their business listing that appear in google Local with Google Maps. The users could now easily condense relevant search results into a single location that included store hours, contact information, and driving directions.


Google Revives The Short Q&A videos. Submit your SEO questions now!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you remember the short-form SEO video Q&As Google used to produce but does not anymore? We at, 411Locals, sure do, and this is why we are excited to announce that Google is back on it again!

Google announced its plans via Twitter. They will produce a series of webmaster and Q&A videos on their Google Webmaster Central Youtube channel. The only *required field in the webform is the question you want to ask. Filling in your name, location, and comments is optional. The form to submit your questions is available over here.

To be honest, Google has not really stopped producing videos entirely. There are several webmaster-related hangouts on their YouTube channel. The hangouts are usually an hour long and available in different languages, where webmasters can ask their questions live. While the hangouts are just great and we, at 411Locals, highly recommend them, we cannot hide the fact the old short-form videos are the better convenient option! Especially if you do not have any particular questions in mind and just want to stay updated, watching an hourly long hangout might seem like boiling the ocean.
