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Let’s Go Back to the Basics — Why Is Evergreen Content Important

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since we already covered the basics of preparing your website for the holidays and boosting your SEO, today we, at 411 Locals, decided to go back to the roots of the SEO pyramid, and focus on the kind of content that should always be present on your site, holidays or not. That is right, we are talking about evergreen content. Is it really that important? Let’s find out!


Are Your Snippets Clickable? Let’s Look at the Basic Do’s and Don’Ts

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a marketer, you have probably heard of meta tags, but you probably fall into the category of people who fail to realize the importance of these small pieces of code. Optimizing your meta title and description is a must-do to improve users’ first impression of your content quality, as well as the likelihood of them clicking through. And yes, Google doesn’t use meta tags in its ranking algorithm, but metadata still has an indirect effect on SERPs. Here are the basics we, at 411 Locals, would advise you to follow to have perfect snippets.
